About Us

Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association (the Association) is inviting tender for provision, installation and subsequent maintenance of an Application Server.



Non-Disclosure Requirement

Please note that the contents, including the attachments, of this email is only for your use to make a response to our request for a proposal. Other uses are strictly prohibited.

If you do not intend to make a response, please advise us accordingly and destroy this email immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.



Submission of Tender

Technical proposal that contains the technical information only, i.e. all information except pricing, in a separately sealed envelope. The envelope must be marked “Technical Proposal – Tender for Application Server (Ref: TBAAS2024/001)”.



Price proposal that contains the price information only in a separately sealed envelope. The envelope must be marked “Price Proposal – Tender for Application Server (Ref: TBAAS2024/001)”.



Audited accounts of the Tenderer for the past three years.  The audited accounts must include Director’s report, Auditor’s Report, profit and loss statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flow and notes to the accounts. The envelope must be marked “Audited accounts – Tender for Application Server System (Ref: TBAAS2024/001)”.



All envelopes mentioned above shall be placed inside another sealed envelope, addressed, endorsed and deposited.



The Tenderer should submit the Tender in two (2) hardcopies and two (2) softcopies with the same content. Softcopy of technical proposal and price proposal should be stored in separate CD-ROM and submitted in the sealed envelope with their corresponding hardcopies. To facilitate the evaluation process, the softcopies of all documents on CD-ROMs must have the “search” and “printing” option enabled. In the event of conflict between the hardcopy and softcopy, the hardcopy version shall prevail. All tenderers should utilize the standard forms attached in the Tender Document to compile their proposals. The tenderer needs to return the entire Form of Tender and the attachment with relevant information filled in, and authorized signature & company chop on the first and the last pages of the Form. Please note that unless your tender has provided all the requested information, we would be unable to process your submission.



All tender proposals must be enclosed in one (1) sealed envelope clearly marked “Tender for Application Server (Ref: TBAAS2024/001)”. The tender should be addressed to Tender Opening Committee, Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association, Leo Lee Building, 266 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong and forwarded to reach the tender box at 2nd floor of the same address. No other marks, especially those which could hint on the identity of the tenderer, should appear on the envelope.



Your tender should reach the tender box no later than 3:00p.m., 7 February 2025. In case that Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above, or Black Rainstorm has been hoisted within the three (3) hours prior to the tender closing time, the tender closing time will be automatically deferred to 3:00 pm of the following business day.  Late tenders will not be considered. All time references are the Hong Kong Standard Time broadcast by The Hong Kong Observatory at its webpage www.hko.gov.hk/gts/time/HKSTime.htm.



Tenderers are reminded that you are responsible for all the expenses to be incurred in the preparation, submission of the tenders and going through the tendering process.

Tenderers are also reminded that the Association is not bound to accept the lowest bid, nor accept any received tenders at all if the situation warrants.

If you are unable to make offer, please also sign and return a form of Decline to Offer on or before the tender closing. It is assumed that you are not interested in this tender if we do not receive any reply and submission before the tender closing.



Tender Interviews

Tenderers must attend the interviews requested by the Association in the tendering process, demonstration and/or presentation of its Proposal, answering questions and clarifications may be required at the expenses of the Suppliers.

Supplier’s interview will be conducted in the period between 10 February 2025 and 14 February 2025 but the timetable may be revised according to actual needs.



Further Communication

All tenderers should note that the formal tender process has started already. Tenderers therefore should not attempt to initiate any further unnecessary contacts with the Association or its representative, whether direct or indirect, on their tenders that may or possibly affect the position of any particular tenderers.



All further communication regarding this tendering should be in writing to the email address of info@antitb.org.hk 



Please acknowledge receipt of this email by returning an email to us accordingly.



Tendering Document



Thank you for your interest and support in this tendering.



Yours sincerely

Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association