Services > Health Promotion > Peggy Lam Health Promotion and Education Centre

With the support of the Hospital Authority and Department of Health, the Hong Kong Centre for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention was established by the Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association in June 2003. The Centre focuses on organising health promotion and disease prevention activities to promote a healthy lifestyle for the good of community in Hong Kong. In recognition of Professor Peggy Lam's generous donation and dedication towards the mission of our Association, the Centre was re-named to "Peggy Lam Health Promotion and Education Centre" in March 2011.


  • To provide health education and health promotion services, particularly on tuberculosis, chest, heart diseases, community health and tobacco control activities.


  • To strengthen the Association´s links with other regional and international professional organisations, such as the World Health Organization, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases.


  • To enhance the knowledge of the community on tuberculosis, chest, heart and other diseases, and to promote the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle for all.


  • To promote community participation and shared responsibility in planning and organising of primary health care services.