What’s New
Chinese Medicine Clinics

Arrangement of Chinese Medicine Service on Labour Day 2024 and Other Special Arrangement

【Arrangement of Chinese Medicine Service on Labour Day 2024 and Other Special Arrangement】


Please be informed that operation of four Chinese Medicine clinics would be suspended on 1 May 2024 (Labour Day / Wednesday).  Service would be resumed normal on 2 May 2024.


Owing to hospital renovation, the entrance at G/F of Tang Shiu Kin Hospital would be closed on 4 May 2024 (1100-1800 hrs.  Please use the entrace at SLG/F (Oi Kwan Road) of the hospital instead.




【Hong Kong Tuberculosis Association Steve Y.F. Lan Chinese Medicine Clinic】




  • Room 1801-02, 383 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong



(Online Map)



(Service Hours)

  • Monday-Friday:0900-1400 / 1500-2000
  • Close on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday




  • 34603718





【Hong Kong Tuberculosis Edwin Leung Chinese Medicine Clinic】




  • 18/F, 83 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong


(Online Map)



(Service Hours)

  • Monday-Friday : 0900-1400 hrs / 1500 - 2000 hrs
  • Saturday : 0900-1300 hrs / 1400-1700 hrs
  • Close on Sunday and Public Holiday




  • 2861 0902




【Hong Kong Tuberculosis Association-The University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Wan Chai District)】




  • 2/F Tang Shiu Kin Hospital, 282 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong



(Online Map)



(Service Hours)

  • Monday - Friday : 0900-2000 hrs
  • Saturday : 0900-1700 hrs
  • Close on Sunday and Public Holiday




  • 3553 3238





【Hong Kong Tuberculosis Association-The University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Southern District)】 




  • 2/F, 10 Aberdeen Reservior Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong 


(Online Map)



(Service Hours)

  • Monday - Friday : 0900 - 2000 hrs
  • Saturday : 0900 - 1700 hrs
  • Close on Sunday and Public Holiday




  • 2580 8158


