Health Tips
Dietitian's Recipes - Five Spiced Green Pepper

Dietitian's Recipes - Five Spiced Green Pepper


4 servings


Lean pork............... 450g. (sliced)
Green pepper........ 1pcs. (sliced)
Onion ..................... 60g. (sliced)
Carrot ..................... 60g. (sliced)
Black fungus ......... 20g.
                    (soaked until soft and sliced)
Oil ........................... 4 tsp.
Soy sauce ................ 1 tbsp.
Five spices ............... 1/2 tsp.
Sugar ........................ 1 tsp.


Salt .......................... 1/2 tsp.
Soy suace................1 tbsp.


  1. Use the side of the knife to pound and soften the pork slices.
    Marinate the pork.
  2. Heat 2 teaspoons of oil, stir fry green pepper (don’t overcook), add salt, set aside.
  3. Heat 2 teaspoons of oil, saute’ onion until brown, add prok slices, carrot and black fungus. Mix well.
  4. Add 1/2 cup of water and seasonings. Cook until sauce is almost dried.
    Add green pepper, mix well.

Nutritional Analysis

Energy: 860cal.
Fat: 48g.
Protein: 76g.
Carbohydrate: 32g.

Dietitian's Tips

  1. Pounding the lean meat slices with the side of the knife will soften the fibres in the meat.
  2. Heat the pan before adding the oil to prevent meat slices from sticking to the pan.
  3. Use non-stick pan for stir frying or pan frying. This way you can further reduce the amount of oil needed.
  4. Condiments such as five spices and onion can enhance foods’ natural flavour without extra fat.